Of the Beach at Fontana

Of the Beach at Fontana

Wind whines and whines the shingle,
The crazy pierstakes groan;
A senile sea numbers each single
Slimesilvered stone.

From warring wind comes bolder
Grey seas unwrapping warm
Touch from his trembling fineboned shoulder
And boyish arm.

Around us fear, preventing
The fear of darkness about
And in my heart, the steep unending
Ache they shout!

Name and country:
James Joyce's Watching the Needleboats at San Sabba & On the Beach at Fontana Copyright © by Dan Schneider, 7/11/02

Amor ligero / Superficial love

Hombre de carne y ternura, el fuego de mi vida
Me enredas mi pelo con tu lengua de amor y palabras

Man of flesh and of tenderness,
the fire of my life.  You tangle my hair
with your tongue of love and false words

Te quiero y suspiro con dolor,
de no poder tocarte y besarte.

I love you and I breathe this pain in
of not being able to touch you, to kiss you

De no poder acariciárte, de arrecostar
mis senos llenos de leche sobre tu pecho
desnudo, bajo un cielo silencioso
que nos mira romper huesos y labios.

Of not being able to caress you,
to lay my breasts filled with milk, upon
your naked chest; under a silent sky
that watches us; as together, we crush
our bones and lips over one another.

Mi sueño, mi querido ligero; te pederia prestarme
una noche de tus encantos, para amarte en rodillas.
Tu hombre dentro mi boca, tus dedos dentro mi vientre.
Tu mente dentro la mia.  Para hacer el amor como
dos espiritus endiabliados.  Para conocer de nuestras
penas, y nuestras lágrimas sin hablar una palabra.

My dream, my superficial love;
I would ask you to loan me one night
of your enchantment, so that I may love
you on my knees.  Your manhood to rest
in my mouth.  Your fingers to rest in my womb.
Your mind penetrating my own.  To make love
as two bewitched spirits; so that we may know of
our mutual pain, of the tears we’ve shed
without words.

Para amarte para siempre.
Con mis palabras que si no mienten.

Hela Ra

In a time long past, a figure did arise, With mind aflame and visions in his eyes. HelaRa, a name etched in history's scroll, A genius o...